segunda-feira, 25 de março de 2013

細江英公 / 「へそと原爆」 (1960)

In Eikoh Hosoe's film Navel and A-Bomb, featuring Hijikata Tatsumi (土方巽) and his choreography, the (Japanese) body is connected to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the utter destruction of Japan. Navel and A-Bomb (1960) figures the 'birth' of a new Japanese identity in the wake of the atomic catastrophe, the subsequent defeat and occupation of Japan.

Hosoe met Hijikata the year prior to Navel and A-Bomb. In 1959 Hijikata choreographed and performed Kinjiki (Forbidden Colors), based on the homosexual imagery found in Yukio Mishima's novel of the same name published in 1951.

Starring Tatsumi Hijikata, Yoshito Ohno (大野慶人) , etc. Music: Norio Maeda, Sadao Watanabe etc. Poetry: Taro Yamamoto.

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